# Install ``` yarn ``` # pkg ``` yarn pkg ``` # mac install ``` yarn install-mac ``` # Git3 URI Protocol ``` git3://[sender_wallet]@[hub_contract_address or NS]:[chain_id]/ ``` - [sender_wallet] Optional, address/NS or local wallet name, the default value is `default`. - [hub_contract_address or NS] Optional, the default value is `git3.w3q`, that's `git3 official hub contract` on ETHStorage . - [chain_id] Optional, chain_id will follow the chain where NS by default, overrides if chain_id is specified - Required, your repo name ## Example: - `git3://helloworld` select `default` wallet, `git3 official hub contract` address, on ETHStorage chainId: 3334, repo name is `helloworld` It's equl to `git3://default@git3.w3q:3334/helloworld` - `git3://myname.eth@git3hub.eth/helloworld` select `myname.eth` wallet, `git3hub.eth` hub contract address, on ETH Mainnet chainId: 1, repo name is `helloworld` - `git3://your_git3_hub.eth:137/helloworld` select `default` wallet, `your_git3_hub.eth` hub contract address, on Polygon chainId: 137, repo name is `helloworld` - `git3://0x0068bD3ec8D16402690C1Eddff06ACb913A209ef:56/helloworld` select `default` wallet, `0x0068...9ef` hub contract address, on BSC chainId: 56, repo name is `helloworld`