import { mkdirSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync, rmSync, existsSync } from 'fs' import { ethers } from 'ethers' import { Command } from 'commander' import bip39 from 'bip39' import inquirer from 'inquirer' import parse from 'parse-git-config' import { importActions, generateActions } from './actions.js' import abis from "../config/abis.js" import network from "../config/evm-network.js" const program = new Command() program .name('git3') .description('git3 mangement tool') .version('0.1.0') program.command('generate') .alias('gen') .alias('new') .description('generate a cryto wallet to use git3') .action(() => { inquirer.prompt(generateActions).then(answers => { const { keyType, name } = answers const walletType = keyType === 'private key' ? 'privateKey' : 'mnemonic' const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) if (readdirSync(keyPath).includes(name)) { console.error(`wallet ${name} already exists`) return } const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic() const wallet = keyType === 'private key' ? ethers.Wallet.createRandom() : ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic) const content = `${walletType}\n${keyType === 'private key' ? wallet.privateKey : mnemonic}\n` writeFileSync(`${keyPath}/${name}`, content) return }) }) program.command('list', { isDefault: true }) .alias('ls') .description('list all wallets in user folder ~/.git3/keys') .option('-r, --raw', 'output raw wallet data with pravate key / mnemonic') .action(params => { const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) const wallets = readdirSync(keyPath) if (wallets.length === 0) { console.log('No wallet found, you can generate one use ') } wallets.forEach(file => { const content = readFileSync(`${keyPath}/${file}`).toString() if (params.raw) { console.log(`[${file}]`) console.log(` ${content.split('\n')[0]} - ${content.split('\n')[1]}`) console.log('\t') return } console.log(`[${file}]`) const [walletType, key] = content.split('\n') const etherWallet = walletType === 'privateKey' ? new ethers.Wallet(key) : ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(key) const address = etherWallet.address console.log(`address: ${address}`) console.log('\t') }) }) program.command('import') .description('import a wallet from a private key or mnemonic') .action(() => { inquirer.prompt(importActions).then(answers => { const { keyType, key, name } = answers const walletType = keyType === 'private key' ? 'privateKey' : 'mnemonic' const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) if (readdirSync(keyPath).includes(name)) { console.error(`wallet ${name} already exists`) return } const content = `${walletType}\n${key}\n` writeFileSync(`${keyPath}/${name}`, content) return }) }) program.command('delete') .description('delete a wallet') .action(() => { const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) const wallets = readdirSync(keyPath) if (wallets.length === 0) { console.error('No wallet found, you can generate one with `git3 generate`') return } inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'list', name: 'wallet', message: 'Select wallet to delete', choices: wallets } ]).then(answers => { const { wallet } = answers rmSync(`${keyPath}/${wallet}`) }) }) program.command('create') .argument('[wallet]', 'wallet to use', 'default') .argument('[repo]', 'repo name to create') .description('create a new repo') .action((wallet, repo) => { const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) const content = readFileSync(`${keyPath}/${wallet}`).toString() const [walletType, key] = content.split('\n') const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(''); let etherWallet = walletType === 'privateKey' ? new ethers.Wallet(key) : ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(key) etherWallet = etherWallet.connect(provider) let net = network[3334] const contract = new ethers.Contract( net.contracts.git3, abis.ETHStorage, etherWallet) contract.repoNameToOwner(Buffer.from(repo)) .then((res: any) => { console.log(res) }) .catch((err: any) => { console.error(err) }) contract.createRepo(Buffer.from(repo)) .then((res: any) => { console.log(res) }) .catch((err: any) => { console.error(err) }) }) program.command('info') .argument('[wallet]', 'wallet you want to get info', 'default') .description('get info of a wallet') .action(wallet => { const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) const content = readFileSync(`${keyPath}/${wallet}`).toString() const [walletType, key] = content.split('\n') const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(''); let etherWallet = walletType === 'privateKey' ? new ethers.Wallet(key) : ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(key) etherWallet = etherWallet.connect(provider) const address = etherWallet.address etherWallet.getBalance() .then(balance => { console.log(`wallet: ${wallet}`) console.log(`address: ${address}`) console.log(`balance: ${ethers.utils.formatUnits(balance)} eth`) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) return }) }) program.command('set-wallet') .alias('set') .argument('', 'git3 remote') .argument('[wallet]', 'wallet you want to bind', 'default') .description('bind git3 remotes with a wallet') .action((git3, wallet) => { const currentConfig = parse.sync() const existingRemote = currentConfig[`remote "${git3}"`] const keyPath = process.env.HOME + "/.git3/keys" mkdirSync(keyPath, { recursive: true }) if (!existsSync(`${keyPath}/${wallet}`)) { console.error(`wallet ${wallet} not found, use to generate one`) return } if (existingRemote) { const newConfig = { ...currentConfig, [`remote "${git3}"`]: { ...existingRemote, wallet } } // console.log(newConfig) // const writer = createWriteStream('config', 'w') let newConfigText = '' Object.keys(newConfig).forEach(key => { newConfigText += `[${key}]\n` Object.keys(newConfig[key]).forEach(subKey => { newConfigText += `\t${subKey} = ${newConfig[key][subKey]}\n` }) }) let path = parse.resolveConfigPath("global") || "" writeFileSync(path, newConfigText) } else { console.error(`remote ${git3} not found`) console.error('you can add a remote with `git remote add ') } }) program.parse()