const { web3 } = require("hardhat"); const { expect } = require("chai"); const { ethers } = require("hardhat"); const { defaultAbiCoder } = require("ethers/lib/utils"); const { isConstructorDeclaration } = require("typescript"); var ToBig = (x) => ethers.BigNumber.from(x); let ETH = ethers.BigNumber.from(10).pow(18); describe("Git3 Test", function () { it("upload/download/remove", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); let singer; [singer] = await ethers.getSigners(); const repoName = Buffer.from("test"); await git3.createRepo(repoName); await git3.upload(repoName, "0x616263", "0x112233"); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ "0x112233", true, ]); let data = Array.from({ length: 40 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) ); await git3.upload(repoName, "0x616263", data); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ ethers.utils.hexlify(data), true, ]); expect(await git3.size(repoName, "0x616263")).to.eql([ToBig(40), ToBig(1)]); await git3.remove(repoName, "0x616263"); expect(await git3.size(repoName, "0x616263")).to.eql([ToBig(0), ToBig(0)]); }); it("upload/download/remove chunks", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); const repoName = Buffer.from("test"); await git3.createRepo(repoName); expect(await git3.countChunks(repoName, "0x616263")).to.eql(ToBig(0)); let data0 = Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) ); await git3.uploadChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 0, data0); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ ethers.utils.hexlify(data0), true, ]); let data1 = Array.from({ length: 20 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) ); await git3.uploadChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 1, data1); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ ethers.utils.hexlify(data0.concat(data1)), true, ]); await git3.remove(repoName, "0x616263"); // should succeed expect(await git3.size(repoName, "0x616263")).to.eql([ToBig(0), ToBig(0)]); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql(["0x", false]); expect(await git3.countChunks(repoName, "0x616263")).to.eql(ToBig(0)); }); it("set/update/list/remove Reference", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); let repoName = Buffer.from("test"); await git3.createRepo(repoName); function concatHexStr(s1, s2) { return "0x" + Buffer.concat([s1, Buffer.from("/"), s2]).toString("hex"); } let key0 = Buffer.from("refs/heads/master"); let data0 = "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; await git3.setRef(repoName, key0, data0); let key1 = Buffer.from("refs/heads/dev"); let data1 = "0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"; await git3.setRef(repoName, key1, data1); let key2 = Buffer.from("refs/heads/main"); let data2 = "0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"; await git3.setRef(repoName, key2, data2); let refs = await git3.listRefs(repoName); expect(refs[0]).to.eql([data0, concatHexStr(repoName, key0)]); expect(refs[1]).to.eql([data1, concatHexStr(repoName, key1)]); expect(refs[2]).to.eql([data2, concatHexStr(repoName, key2)]); expect(refs.length).to.eql(3); // check delRef await git3.delRef(repoName, key0); refs = await git3.listRefs(repoName); expect(refs[0]).to.eql([data2, concatHexStr(repoName, key2)]); expect(refs[1]).to.eql([data1, concatHexStr(repoName, key1)]); expect(refs.length).to.eql(2); await git3.delRef(repoName, key1); refs = await git3.listRefs(repoName); expect(refs[0]).to.eql([data2, concatHexStr(repoName, key2)]); expect(refs.length).to.eql(1); // check update let data3 = "0xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"; await git3.setRef(repoName, key2, data3); refs = await git3.listRefs(repoName); expect(refs[0]).to.eql([data3, concatHexStr(repoName, key2)]); }); it("Access Control", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); let singer; let user1; [singer, user1] = await ethers.getSigners(); const repoName = Buffer.from("test"); await git3.connect(singer).createRepo(repoName); await expect( git3.connect(user1).upload(repoName, "0x616263", "0x112233") )"only owner"); await expect( git3.connect(user1).uploadChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 0, "0x112233") )"only owner"); await expect( git3 .connect(user1) .setRef( repoName, "0x616263", "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ) )"only owner"); await git3.connect(singer).upload(repoName, "0x616263", "0x112233"); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ "0x112233", true, ]); await git3 .connect(singer) .setRef( repoName, "0x616263", "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ); await expect( git3.connect(user1).remove(repoName, "0x616263") )"only owner"); await expect( git3.connect(user1).delRef(repoName, "0x616263") )"only owner"); }); it("RepoName Check", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); let repoName = Buffer.from( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-_" ); await git3.createRepo(repoName); await expect(git3.createRepo(repoName)) "RepoName already exist" ); await expect(git3.createRepo(Buffer.from("a/b"))) "RepoName must be alphanumeric or -._" ); await expect( git3.createRepo(Buffer.from("a".repeat(101))) )"RepoName length must be 1-100"); }); it("Get the stake number of chunks", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); const repoName = Buffer.from("test"); await git3.createRepo(repoName); stakeNum1 = ETH; stakeNum2 = ToBig(2).mul(ETH); let data0 = Array.from({ length: 1024 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) ); await git3.uploadChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 0, data0, { value: stakeNum1, }); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ ethers.utils.hexlify(data0), true, ]); let data1 = Array.from({ length: 1024 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) ); await git3.uploadChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 1, data1, { value: stakeNum2, }); expect(await, "0x616263")).to.eql([ ethers.utils.hexlify(data0.concat(data1)), true, ]); let stakeNum = await git3.stakeTokens(repoName, "0x616263"); expect(stakeNum).to.equal(stakeNum1.add(stakeNum2)); let actualStakeNum1 = await git3.chunkStakeTokens(repoName, "0x616263", 0); let actualStakeNum2 = await git3.chunkStakeTokens(repoName, "0x616263", 1); expect(actualStakeNum1).to.equal(stakeNum1); expect(actualStakeNum2).to.equal(stakeNum2); // check that the stake numer of chunk after removing chunks await git3.remove(repoName, "0x616263"); // should succeed stakeNum = await git3.stakeTokens(repoName, "0x616263"); actualStakeNum1 = await git3.chunkStakeTokens(repoName, "0x616263", 0); actualStakeNum2 = await git3.chunkStakeTokens(repoName, "0x616263", 1); expect(stakeNum).to.equal(ToBig(0)); expect(actualStakeNum1).to.equal(ToBig(0)); expect(actualStakeNum2).to.equal(ToBig(0)); }); it("Refund to user directly after removing chunk", async function () { const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3"); const git3 = await Git3.deploy(); await git3.deployed(); let signer; [signer] = await ethers.getSigners(); const repoName = Buffer.from("test"); await git3.createRepo(repoName); stakeNum1 = ETH; stakeNum2 = ToBig(2).mul(ETH); let data0 = Array.from({ length: 2 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) ); await git3.connect(signer).uploadChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 0, data0, { value: stakeNum1, }); // check that the stake numer of chunk after removing chunks let balBefore = await signer.getBalance(); let tx1 = await git3.removeChunk(repoName, "0x616263", 0); // should succeed let rec1 = await tx1.wait(); let removeTxCost = rec1.gasUsed.mul(rec1.effectiveGasPrice); let balAfter = await signer.getBalance(); // check balance after refunding expect(balBefore.add(stakeNum1).sub(removeTxCost)).to.eq(balAfter); }); });