pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "./storage/IStorageLayer.sol"; import "./RepositoryAccess.sol"; contract Repository is RepositoryAccess{ struct refInfo { bytes20 hash; uint96 index; } struct refData { bytes20 hash; bytes name; } bytes repositoryName; address creator; address[] public contributorList; mapping(bytes => refInfo) public branchToRefInfo; // dev => {hash: 0x1234..., index: 1 } bytes[] public branchs; // 有几条branch,就有几个reference IStorageLayer public storageManager; bytes32 constant public ETHSTORAGEID_LAYER = bytes32(keccak256("ETHSTORAGE")); bytes32 constant public NFTSTORAGE_LAYER = bytes32(keccak256("NFTSTORAGE")); constructor(bytes memory repoName){ creator = msg.sender; repositoryName = repoName; } modifier onlyCreator() { require(address(storageManager) == msg.sender, "only creator"); _; } function listBranchs() external view returns (refData[] memory list) { list = new refData[](branchs.length); for (uint index = 0; index < branchs.length; index++) { list[index] = _convertToRefData( branchToRefInfo[branchs[index]] ); } } function createBranch(bytes memory branch,bytes20 refHash) public onlyCreator { bytes memory fullname = bytes.concat(repositoryName,"/",branch); require(refHash!=bytes20(0),"reference hash don't allow to set 0x0" ); require(branchToRefInfo[fullname].hash == bytes20(0),"branch already exists"); branchToRefInfo[fullname].hash = refHash; branchToRefInfo[fullname].index = uint96(branchs.length); branchs.push(fullname); // add branch owner this.addBranchOperator(fullname,msg.sender); } function updateBranch( bytes memory branch, bytes20 refHash )external onlyBranchOperator(branch){ bytes memory fullname = bytes.concat(repositoryName,"/",branch); require(refHash!=bytes20(0),"reference hash don't allow to set 0x0" ); require(branchToRefInfo[fullname].hash != bytes20(0),"branch do not exist"); branchToRefInfo[fullname].hash = refHash; } function removeBranch( bytes memory branch ) external { bytes memory fullname = bytes.concat(repositoryName,"/",branch); refInfo memory refI = branchToRefInfo[fullname]; require( refI.hash != bytes20(0), "Reference of this name does not exist" ); uint256 lastIndex = branchs.length -1 ; if (refI.index < lastIndex){ branchToRefInfo[branchs[lastIndex]].index = refI.index; branchs[refI.index] = branchs[lastIndex]; } branchs.pop(); delete branchToRefInfo[fullname]; } function _convertToRefData( refInfo memory info ) internal view returns (refData memory res) { res.hash = info.hash; = branchs[info.index]; } // data storage module function setStorageLayer(IStorageLayer addr) external onlyCreator { storageManager = addr; } function upload( bytes20 refHash, bytes calldata data ) external payable { storageManager.upload(refHash, data); } function download(bytes20 refHash) external view returns(bytes32 storageLayerId , bytes memory data){ return; } }