Git protocol
For the open web
Anti Censorship
Use crypto wallet to login and do authentication
Fully Decentralized
Access control with smart contracts
Onchain Storage
Store your code cheap and forever on blockchain system
Install Git3
curl -fsSL | sh
Use Git3
1. Create a wallet
Create a git3 cli wallet, or you can import your mnemonic or private key use git3 wallet import

~ git3 wallet create

// select key type (mnemonic)

// give an account name (default)

~ git3 wallet list

// your wallet address

2. Get some coins
In order to push code to smart contract, you need some test coins, leave your wallet address here to receive coins
3. Create repo and push
Create your repo, add some commit, add push to the smart contact
Use EthStorage Testnet

// create a repo on playground hub on EthStorage

~ git3 repo create git3://playground.w3q/repo_name

// add a git3 remote to your git repo

~ git remote add web3 git3://playground.w3q/repo_name

// push you code!

~ git push web3 main

Use Arbitrum Testnet

// create a repo on playground hub on arbitrum goerli network

~ git3 repo create git3://playground.arbg/repo_name

// add a git3 remote to your git repo

~ git remote add web3 git3://playground.arbg/repo_name

// push you code!

~ git push web3 main

Use Arbitrum Nove Mainnet

Replace `arbg` with `arb` above