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//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
import "./IFileOperator.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "evm-large-storage/contracts/examples/FlatDirectory.sol";
2 years ago
// import "evm-large-storage/contracts/W3RC3.sol";
contract Git3 {
2 years ago
IFileOperator public immutable storageManager;
struct refInfo {
bytes20 hash;
uint96 index;
struct refData {
bytes20 hash;
string name;
mapping(string => refInfo) public nameToRefInfo; // dev => {hash: 0x1234..., index: 1 }
string[] public refs; // [main, dev, test, staging]
function _convertRefInfo(
refInfo memory info
) internal view returns (refData memory res) {
res.hash = info.hash; = refs[info.index];
constructor() {
storageManager = IFileOperator(address(new FlatDirectory(220)));
2 years ago
function download(
bytes memory path
) external view returns (bytes memory, bool) {
// call flat directory(FD)
function upload(bytes memory path, bytes memory data) external payable {
storageManager.writeChunk{value: msg.value}(path, 0, data);
2 years ago
function uploadChunk(
bytes memory path,
uint256 chunkId,
bytes memory data
) external payable {
storageManager.writeChunk{value: msg.value}(path, chunkId, data);
2 years ago
function remove(bytes memory path) external {
// The actually process of remove will remove all the chunks
2 years ago
function size(bytes memory name) external view returns (uint256, uint256) {
return storageManager.size(name);
2 years ago
function countChunks(bytes memory name) external view returns (uint256) {
return storageManager.countChunks(name);
2 years ago
function listRefs() public view returns (refData[] memory list) {
list = new refData[](refs.length);
for (uint index = 0; index < refs.length; index++) {
list[index] = _convertRefInfo(nameToRefInfo[refs[index]]);
2 years ago
function setRef(string memory name, bytes20 refHash) public {
// only execute `sload` once to reduce gas consumption
refInfo memory srs;
srs = nameToRefInfo[name];
uint256 refsLen = refs.length;
if (srs.hash == bytes20(0)) {
// store refHash for the first time
refsLen <= uint256(uint96(int96(-1))),
"Refs exceed valid length"
nameToRefInfo[name].hash = refHash;
nameToRefInfo[name].index = uint96(refsLen);
} else {
// only update refHash
nameToRefInfo[name].hash = refHash;
2 years ago
function delRef(string memory name) public {
// only execute `sload` once to reduce gas consumption
refInfo memory srs;
srs = nameToRefInfo[name];
uint256 refsLen = refs.length;
srs.hash != bytes20(0),
"Reference of this name does not exist"
require(srs.index < refsLen, "System Error: Invalid index");
if (srs.index < refsLen - 1) {
refs[srs.index] = refs[refsLen - 1];
nameToRefInfo[refs[refsLen - 1]].index = srs.index;
delete nameToRefInfo[name];
2 years ago