You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
2.3 KiB

module.exports = {
user: {
email: 'email',
name: 'name',
signingkey: ''
github: {
user: 'name',
token: ''
commit: {
gpgsign: true
tag: {
gpgsign: true,
path: '_gitconfig.local',
sort: 'version:refname'
core: {
legacyheaders: false,
quotepath: false,
trustctime: false,
precomposeunicode: false,
pager: 'cat',
logAllRefUpdates: true,
excludesfile: '~/.gitignore'
repack: {
usedeltabaseoffset: true
merge: {
log: true,
conflictstyle: 'diff3'
apply: {
whitespace: 'fix'
help: {
autocorrect: '1'
rerere: {
enabled: true
color: {
diff: 'auto',
status: 'auto',
branch: 'auto',
interactive: 'auto',
ui: 'always'
'color "diff"': {
meta: 'yellow bold',
frag: 'magenta',
plain: 'white bold',
old: 'red bold',
new: 'green bold',
commit: 'yellow bold',
func: 'green dim',
whitespace: 'red reverse'
'color "status"': {
added: 'yellow',
changed: 'green',
untracked: 'cyan'
'color "branch"': {
current: 'yellow reverse',
local: 'yellow',
remote: 'green'
diff: {
renames: 'copies',
algorithm: 'patience',
compactionHeuristic: true,
wsErrorHighlight: 'all'
'diff "bin"': {
textconv: 'hexdump -v -C'
credential: {
helper: 'store'
status: {
relativePaths: true,
showUntrackedFiles: 'no'
pull: {
rebase: true
push: {
default: 'current',
followTags: true
alias: {
a: 'commit --amend',
c: 'commit -am',
d: '!git diff --exit-code && git diff --cached',
dif: 'diff',
git: '!exec git',
p: 'push -u',
r: 'reset --soft HEAD~1',
s: 'status',
sc: 'clone --depth=1',
l: 'log --graph --pretty=format:\'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset\' --abbrev-commit -n 15'
'remote "origin"': {
fetch: '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'
branch: {
autosetupmerge: 'always',
autosetuprebase: 'always'
http: {
sslverify: false
submodule: {
fetchJobs: '0'
fetch: {
prune: true