cyl19970726 2 years ago
parent 95dc311e20
commit b59c2ab7d9

@ -65,4 +65,17 @@ export const HubMemberActions = [
export const HubGetMemberActions = [
type: 'list',
name: 'role',
message: 'get members corresponding to the role',
choices: [

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { ethers } from "ethers"
import { Command } from "commander"
import bip39 from "bip39"
import inquirer from "inquirer"
import { importActions, generateActions,createHubActions,HubMemberActions } from "./actions.js"
import { importActions, generateActions,createHubActions,HubMemberActions,HubGetMemberActions } from "./actions.js"
import network from "../config/evm-network.js"
import { explorerTxUrl, getWallet, randomRPC } from "../common/wallet.js"
import { initFactoryByChainID, parseGit3URI } from "../common/git3-protocol.js"
@ -165,7 +165,25 @@ wallet
.description("clear pending nonce")
.argument("<uri>", "ex: default@git3.w3q")
.argument("[num]", "number of pending nonce to clear", 1)
.action(async (uri, num) => {
if (!uri.startsWith("git3://")) {
uri = "git3://" + uri
const protocol = await parseGit3URI(uri, { skipRepoName: true })
const txManager = new TxManager(protocol.hub, protocol.chainId, protocol.netConfig.txConst)
let nonce = await protocol.wallet.getTransactionCount()
console.log(`current nonce: ${nonce}`)
await txManager.clearPendingNonce(num)
nonce = await protocol.wallet.getTransactionCount()
console.log(`current nonce: ${nonce}`)
// =============================Hub Commands===================================
.argument("<chain>", "chain name or chain id")
@ -200,25 +218,6 @@ hub
console.log("hub owner:", events[0].args.creator)
.description("clear pending nonce")
.argument("<uri>", "ex: default@git3.w3q")
.argument("[num]", "number of pending nonce to clear", 1)
.action(async (uri, num) => {
if (!uri.startsWith("git3://")) {
uri = "git3://" + uri
const protocol = await parseGit3URI(uri, { skipRepoName: true })
const txManager = new TxManager(protocol.hub, protocol.chainId, protocol.netConfig.txConst)
let nonce = await protocol.wallet.getTransactionCount()
console.log(`current nonce: ${nonce}`)
await txManager.clearPendingNonce(num)
nonce = await protocol.wallet.getTransactionCount()
console.log(`current nonce: ${nonce}`)
// =============================Hub Commands===================================
.argument("<hub>", "hub_name.NS or hub_address:chain_id")
@ -235,6 +234,40 @@ hub
console.log(explorerTxUrl(receipt.transactionHash, protocol.netConfig.explorers))
.argument("<hub>", "hub_name.NS or hub_address:chain_id")
.description("get members corresponding to the role from hub")
.action(async (hub) => {
let protocol = await parseGit3URI(hub, { ignoreProtocolHeader: true, skipRepoName: true })
let answers = await inquirer.prompt(HubGetMemberActions)
let role:string = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
switch (answers.role) {
case "admin":
role = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
case "manager":
role = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
case "contributor":
role = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
let members = await protocol.hub.getMembersByRole(role)
console.error(`${answers.role} : ${members}`)
.argument("<hub>", "hub_name.NS or hub_address:chain_id")
.description("get all members from hub")
.action(async (hub) => {
let protocol = await parseGit3URI(hub, { ignoreProtocolHeader: true, skipRepoName: true })
let [admins, managers ,cons] = await protocol.hub.getAllMembers()
console.error(`admins : ${admins}`)
console.error(`managers : ${managers}`)
console.error(`contributors : ${cons}`)
.argument("<member address>", "member address which will be added to the hub")
