mirror of git3://git3.w3q/git3-contract
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// import "hardhat/console.sol";
import "./Git3HubStorage.sol";
contract Git3Hub_SLI is Git3HubStorage_SLI {
event RepoCreated(bytes repoName, address owner);
event RepoOwnerTransfer(bytes repoName, address oldOwner, address newOwner);
event PushRef(bytes repoName, bytes ref);
constructor() Git3HubStorage_SLI() {}
modifier onlyOwner(bytes memory repoName) {
require(repoNameToOwner[repoName] == msg.sender, "only owner");
function createRepo(bytes memory repoName) external {
repoName.length > 0 && repoName.length <= 100,
"RepoName length must be 1-100"
for (uint i; i < repoName.length; i++) {
bytes1 char = repoName[i];
(char >= 0x61 && char <= 0x7A) || //a-z
(char >= 0x41 && char <= 0x5A) || //A-Z
(char >= 0x30 && char <= 0x39) || //0-9
(char == 0x2D || char == 0x2E || char == 0x5F), //-._
"RepoName must be alphanumeric or -._"
repoNameToOwner[repoName] == address(0),
"RepoName already exist"
repoNameToOwner[repoName] = msg.sender;
emit RepoCreated(repoName, msg.sender);
function transferOwnership(
bytes memory repoName,
address newOwner
) external onlyOwner(repoName) {
require(newOwner != address(0), "newOwner must not be zero address");
repoNameToOwner[repoName] = newOwner;
emit RepoOwnerTransfer(repoName, msg.sender, newOwner);
function download(
bytes memory repoName,
bytes memory path
) external view returns (bytes memory) {
return pathToHash[keccak256(bytes.concat(repoName, "/", path))];
function upload(
bytes memory repoName,
bytes memory path,
bytes calldata data
) external payable onlyOwner(repoName) {
pathToHash[keccak256(bytes.concat(repoName, "/", path))] = data;
function remove(
bytes memory repoName,
bytes memory path
) external onlyOwner(repoName) {
// The actually process of remove will remove all the chunks
pathToHash[keccak256(bytes.concat(repoName, "/", path))] = "";
function listRefs(
bytes memory repoName
) external view returns (refData[] memory list) {
list = new refData[](repoNameToRefs[repoName].length);
for (uint index = 0; index < repoNameToRefs[repoName].length; index++) {
list[index] = _convertRefInfo(
function setRef(
bytes memory repoName,
bytes memory ref,
bytes20 refHash
) external onlyOwner(repoName) {
bytes memory fullName = bytes.concat(repoName, "/", ref);
// only execute `sload` once to reduce gas consumption
refInfo memory srs;
srs = nameToRefInfo[fullName];
uint256 refsLen = repoNameToRefs[repoName].length;
if (srs.hash == bytes20(0)) {
// store refHash for the first time
refsLen <= uint256(uint96(int96(-1))),
"Refs exceed valid length"
nameToRefInfo[fullName].hash = refHash;
nameToRefInfo[fullName].index = uint96(refsLen);
} else {
// only update refHash
nameToRefInfo[fullName].hash = refHash;
emit PushRef(repoName, ref);
function delRef(
bytes memory repoName,
bytes memory ref
) external onlyOwner(repoName) {
bytes memory fullName = bytes.concat(repoName, "/", ref);
// only execute `sload` once to reduce gas consumption
refInfo memory srs;
srs = nameToRefInfo[fullName];
uint256 refsLen = repoNameToRefs[repoName].length;
srs.hash != bytes20(0),
"Reference of this name does not exist"
require(srs.index < refsLen, "System Error: Invalid index");
if (srs.index < refsLen - 1) {
repoNameToRefs[repoName][srs.index] = repoNameToRefs[repoName][
refsLen - 1
nameToRefInfo[repoNameToRefs[repoName][refsLen - 1]].index = srs
delete nameToRefInfo[fullName];
function _convertRefInfo(
bytes memory repoName,
refInfo memory info
) internal view returns (refData memory res) {
res.hash = info.hash;
res.name = repoNameToRefs[repoName][info.index];
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Git3HubStorage_SLI {
struct refInfo {
bytes20 hash;
uint96 index;
struct refData {
bytes20 hash;
bytes name;
// FileStorage Storage Layout
mapping(bytes32 => bytes) public pathToHash;
// Git3Hub Storage Layout
mapping(bytes => address) public repoNameToOwner;
mapping(bytes => refInfo) public nameToRefInfo; // dev => {hash: 0x1234..., index: 1 }
mapping(bytes => bytes[]) public repoNameToRefs; // [main, dev, test, staging]
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Hello{
string public abc;
abc="Hello World";
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
async function main() {
let provider = ethers.provider;
let [operator] = await ethers.getSigners();
let nonce = await operator.getTransactionCount();
console.log(operator.address, nonce, await operator.getBalance());
let price = await provider.getFeeData();
let net = await provider.getNetwork();
console.log(price, net.chainId);
const Git3 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Git3Hub_SLI");
const git3 = await Git3.deploy({
nonce: nonce,
type: 2,
maxFeePerGas: price.maxFeePerGas!,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: price.maxPriorityFeePerGas!,
gasLimit: 3000000,
let logicReceipt = await git3.deployed();
let factory1 = await ethers.getContractFactory("UpgradeableProxy");
// Proxy don't need to init Git3 contract because the constructor is empty.
let initSelector = "0x";
let proxyInstance = await factory1
.deploy(git3.address, operator.address, initSelector, {
nonce: nonce,
type: 2,
maxFeePerGas: price.maxFeePerGas,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: price.maxPriorityFeePerGas,
let proxyReceipt = await proxyInstance.deployed();
// console.log({logicReceipt,proxyReceipt});
console.log("Logic Contract", git3.address);
console.log("Proxy Contract", proxyInstance.address);
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import hre from "hardhat";
const { ethers } = hre;
import fs from "fs";
async function main() {
const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
const Git3 = await hre.ethers.getContractAt(
let res = await Git3.download(
main().catch((error) => {
Reference in new issue