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parse-git-config NPM version Build Status

Parse .git/config into a JavaScript object. sync or async.

Install with npm

npm i parse-git-config --save


var git = require('parse-git-config');

// sync
var config = git.sync();

// or async
git(function (err, config) {
  // do stuff with err/config

Custom path and/or cwd

git.sync({cwd: 'foo', path: '.git/config'});

// async
git({cwd: 'foo', path: '.git/config'}, function (err, config) {
  // do stuff 

Example result

Config object will be something like:

{ core:
   { repositoryformatversion: '0',
     filemode: true,
     bare: false,
     logallrefupdates: true,
     ignorecase: true,
     precomposeunicode: true },
  'remote "origin"':
   { url: '',
     fetch: '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' },
  'branch "master"': { remote: 'origin', merge: 'refs/heads/master', ... } }

Run tests

Install dev dependencies:

npm i -d && npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on March 04, 2015.